Ready to say goodbye to your ugly slice? Use these five steps to help you draw every shot

By  Brad Skupaka

5 steps to draw every shot - ball flight laws pull slice illustrationIt probably comes as no surprise that the average golfer struggles with slicing the ball.

While everyone has different tendencies in their swings leading to this undesired shot, the shared technical component with all sliced shots is an “open” clubface position in relation to the path of the swing, and a path that’s typically too far to the left (for right-handers) of the intended target.

The idea to fix to this, therefore, is squaring up the clubface to the path of the swing, and creating an in-to-out path in relation to the target line.

With that in mind, here are five steps to help you start hitting that pretty draw you’ve always wanted!

1. ADDRESS: Slide your hips toward the target

Five steps to draw every shot - shoulder tilt impact comparisonBy sliding your hips toward the target at address, you will create more of a rightward tilt with your shoulders. This will help you swing more to the right of the target (in to out) as well as promote more rightward tilt with your shoulders at impact. Both help to promote a draw.

For further reference of this point, our SwingTRU Motion Study shows that the best golfers (who draw the ball or hit just a slight fade) tilt their shoulders nearly 39 degrees to the right at impact, compared to high handicappers (who overwhelmingly tend to hit a big slice) only tilting their shoulders 27 degrees.

2. ADDRESS: Close your hips and shoulders

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Without adjusting your stance line, close your hips and shoulders at address so it feels as if they’re aimed well to the right of the target.

As with the idea of sliding your hips more toward the target at address, closing your hips and shoulders in this manner will better set up that in-to-out path in your downswing.

3. ADDRESS: Move the handle higher and more toward the target

5 steps to draw every shot - handle raised and hands forward

Another trait most slicers share is a lead wrist that extends too early in the downswing, which is commonly known as casting. This leads to a clubface that’s open to the swing path at impact – the aforementioned culprit of a slice.

A good way to correct this is positioning the handle of the club higher and more toward the target at address. This will promote more of a flexed (bowed) position with your lead wrist, which, along with the raised handle of the club, is a good feeling to maintain throughout your entire swing.

4. BACKSWING: Swing the hands more inside

A common myth perpetuated in golf is that the club should be swung back straight away from the target in the backswing. While that characteristic in itself is not a complete death sentence ensuring a slice, it doesn’t help to promote a draw.

The Towel Drill: Lifting vs. turning
Our video illustrating this drill with a towel encourages your hands to swing back more inward in the backswing.

By instead swinging your hands back more inward (toward the heel of your trail foot) as you turn your shoulders and hips in the backswing, this helps get your hands deeper behind you at the top and promotes a bigger turn of your shoulders, which are yet more factors encouraging an in-to-out swing path in your downswing.

5. DOWNSWING: Drive your hips to the target, straighten your legs

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The common slicer (noted in the above image) typically remains bent over too much through impact, which is another variable leading to the path too far to the left (out to in) in relation to the target.

To combat this, try to straighten both of your legs in the downswing and push your belt buckle toward the target. This will be another key to help create that in-to-out path and shallow out your angle of attack, which is likely far too steep from bending to much in the downswing.

5 steps to draw every shot - drive your hips to the target in the downswing

And, eureka! You’ll start hitting shots that draw

Now that you have these five steps to draw the ball at your disposal, you’re ready to finally get rid of that slice!

Naturally, it’s going to take some work to engrain this into your golf swing. But some consistent practice with each of the three main swing components discussed (address, backswing and downswing) should yield effective, lasting results into your golf game.


Not sure if this tip is right for you? Find a GOLFTEC near you and talk to a Coach today!

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