’s Swing Stories Series showcases GOLFTEC Students and their unique journeys to better golf.
There’s hardly anything more motivating than seeing someone reach their goals in the game of golf. At GOLFTEC, we witness this type of success daily. Whether it’s recording a career-low round, minimizing three-putts, or simply becoming more consistent on the course, we see it all.
Now, it would be very selfish if we kept these successes to ourselves and that’s why our friends and partners at are highlighting these Students and their Coaches on their journey to better golf. Check out the stories below and who knows, maybe your own GOLFTEC journey might end up in the next edition of Swing Stories.’s Swing Stories
Cami Culp
Five years ago, GOLFTEC Student and college standout, Cami Culp, had never swung a club. But after hard work with her GOLFTEC Coach, a high school varsity letter and a couple of college tournament wins under her belt- Cami’s golf journey is just getting started.
See her story here.
Harry Francis
Even though GOLFTEC Student, Harry Francis, has had the opportunity to play some of the world’s best golf courses, each experience would have been that much better if his game cooperated. After years of frustration, Francis decided to make a change and that was the start of the transformation of his swing thanks to GOLFTEC.
See his story here.
Brendan Hegarty
This once single digit handicap found himself fighting a horrible slice. Thinking new clubs might be the fix, Brendan Hegarty visited GOLFTEC for a fitting but his Coach automatically realized clubs wouldn’t solve the problem- his swing needed work.
See his story here.
Tyler Griffith
Golf is all about the little things and GOLFTEC Student, Tyler Griffith, knows all about that after his Coach noticed his grip could be the culprit to his swing faults. After a couple of tweaks to his grip, Griffith’s over-the-top swing can hardly be found these days.
See his story here.
Steve Conroy
GOLFTEC Student, Steve Conroy, was like most golfers fighting a slice. He has a long list of swing thoughts to help him reduce his less than desirable ball flight. But after his initial Swing Evaluation and many lessons later, Conroy was able to re-prioritize his thoughts, kick his slice to the curb and eventually get down to a 6 handicap.
See his story here.