VIDEO: Add predictability around the green and avoid common chipping faults by perfecting your setup
Chipping: A straight-forward part of the game to execute in theory, but even the most standard of these short game shots sure can be an adventure, can’t they?
A good day chipping, for instance, may completely save your round. A bad day, well … let’s just say it can make your scorecard a little more “interesting.”
Since virtually every golfer has experienced both sides of the chipping coin, let’s discuss how to take the unpredictability out and bring the par-saving fun in. Consistently.
Nail your setup before anything else

Like a lot of areas in golf, the first thing you should address when striving for a change is your setup.
With chipping, many golfers tend to put the ball too far back in their stance and lean the handle of the club too far forward.
This can lead to a multitude of problems, like hitting chunky shots where the ball goes nowhere, or the bladed variety that sends the ball rocketing over the green.

If this sounds like you, try putting the ball more toward your lead foot with a more neutral position of the handle at address.
It can feel unnatural at first if you’re used to setting up the other way. But stick with it, because by doing this you’ll be able to use the bounce of the club better which, even on a mishit, can act like an insurance policy and still produce a playable shot.
Now learn to control your trajectory

While maintaining a constant solid setup position with your chipping, you’re ready to add versatility to your short game arsenal and a newfound confidence to your overall greenside prowess.
To change the trajectory of a shot, alter your follow-through in the following manner:
For a higher chip shot, keep the butt end of the club close to your body as you follow through, which will promote a cupped position of the lead wrist and more loft on the clubface.

For a lower chip shot, do the opposite and stretch the butt end of the club farther away from your body as you follow through, which will promote a straighter lead wrist position and more de-lofted position of the clubface at impact.
In the video below, GOLFTEC’s Brad Skupaka illustrates how to perfect your chipping setup and ultimately add a variety of shots you can play around the green. By gaining consistency in your setup, your short game will be less of an unpredictable adventure in no time!
VIDEO: Common Chipping Faults
If you want more help with your short game, find a GOLFTEC near you and talk to a Coach today!