Running late for your round? Don’t worry; we have the perfect quick warm-up to get you ready to hit the course
We’ve all gotten a tee time wrong, been stuck in traffic or maybe the line at Starbucks was longer than you expected, and now you’re due on the first tee box in 15 minutes.
You could do a couple of Michael Phelps arms swings, crack your neck, step up to the tee and whack away at a ball. But that’s probably the last thing we’d recommend.
If you’ve got 15 minutes, we’ve got the perfect warm-up to get you ready. I know it may not seem like a ton of time to get loose, but it’s plenty for these three quick warm-up tips.
50, 100, bombs away!
Clearly, you don’t have time to whack away at a full bucket of balls. Try these simple warm-up tips instead:
- Grab one club and take a brisk walk to the driving range. Doing this will get your blood pumping a little bit and help warm-up stiff muscles.
- Take a couple of practice swings to loosen up your entire body. Then add a ball but only try to hit it 50 yards. Do that a couple of times and then try for a 100 yard shot a couple of times, all with that same club. Once you feel ‘warmed up,’ hit a full shot.
- Now that you’ve finished steps one and two, you’ll probably have about five minutes left to spend. Hit the putting green to finish out your warm-up, and you’ll be ready to go.
We know it’s not much, but it’s at least a good start to get you ready to hit the course. To see this warm-up in action, check out GOLFTEC’s Brad Skupaka demonstrate it in the video below.