Everything From Getting More Distance To Keeping It Low With Low Spin
By Ryan Gager
You’ve heard the term, “hit it on the screws.” But if you don’t know where the term originated from, old Persimmon drivers have screws in the center of the face so a good strike on the ball meant you were hitting it on the screws. But that’s enough history for one day, now for the fun stuff! Dean Wilson joins GOLFTEC’s Nick Clearwater to teach you how to do just that in this edition of Fix My Fault. The two are out on the range with a couple Persimmon drivers of their own talking all things driving, from getting more distance to keeping the ball lower into the wind and proper follow through.
Tips To Make A Big Turn For Added Distance
Adding distance comes with practice, and that includes before each shot. Take the time to rehearse a couple practice swings before setting up to a shot, especially one that you want to add a little gas!
In those practice swings make a bigger turn than you do for your normal shot. This will help you get loose and add extension. A longer backswing and bigger swing arc will create more distance.
When you turn, allow your chest to come up with the turn instead of remaining pointed at the ground. Notice the extension and chest position in the photo.
Lastly, keep your head still while rotating and getting a full extension. Often, golfers will sway back to try and add power. This actually hinders power and makes it more difficult to make solid contact. To keep from swaying try this drill: have someone hold a club just off your trail ear, and while you are taking the club back don’t let your head hit the club.

A Bigger Backswing Requires A Matching Follow Through
Now that we have mastered a bigger backswing, we need an equal follow through. In order to accomplish this, keep your whole body moving and rotating through the ball.
Often we see golfers halting their swing immediately after impact. This is a killer of momentum and distance. Instead, keep the club head moving well after impact and try to keep your arms straight and extended, as demonstrated by Dean.
This follow through extension will also keep your drives straighter. When you extend your arms on the backswing and follow through, it prevents your wrists and hands from turning the club either in or out and keeps the club head on the proper path longer.

Hit Your Drives Better Into The Wind
As a bonus tip, Dean takes us through how to hit drives better into the wind.
DON’T TEE THE BALL TOO LOW! This is one that can’t be emphasized enough. Many people think that you want to tee it low to hit it low into the wind. In fact, when you tee it low you often hit the lower part of the club face, which puts more spin on the ball and makes it launch higher. A higher ball flight into wind is not good for distance.
Instead, tee the ball so that you can hit it in the center or even slightly ABOVE the center of the club face. Hitting the ball in the center of the face will produce a flatter launch with lower spin, perfect for shots into the wind.

For more help with how to hit long, consistent drives, visit your local GOLFTEC and start working with a Coach today! We also can test your current equipment and make sure it’s right for you. Our club fittings and lessons will have you hitting it out there like Dean, playing expert shots even in windy conditions!
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