Implementing a change to your golf swing is easier than you’d think – it all comes down to a practice structure
Our swings need a tune up from time to time.
We can spend much needed time and effort in the bay with our GOLFTEC Coach to really nail what needs to be tweaked.
However, the real challenge is talking that information and actually implementing that change outside of the comfort of our local GOLFTEC.
One of the easiest ways to break this barrier of bay and course, is by hitting the driving range. But rather than having a mindless ball-hacking session, the best way to really dive into the great instruction your GOLFTEC Coach provided you with is through a structured practice plan.
This practice plan is nothing extensive or something that requires a lot of pre-planning. It basically boils down to a basket of range balls, compartmentalizing your swing and staying focused.
In the video below, GOLFTEC’s Patrick Nuber explains how building a basic practice structure will help produce a productive practice session while implementing a change.
VIDEO: Practice Structure – Implementing a Change
Not sure if this tip is right for you? Find a GOLFTEC near you and talk to a Coach today!
Hello Patrick,
Your Swing Change practice structure is excellent. Certainly doable, quite clear and measurable. Appreciated! Thanks!
I plan to take it to the practice range within 3 hours.
Also, Jamie Stogdill-Golf Tec is my Golf Tec coach. Started working with him several months ago. He’s been very helpful.
As well, since I’m a sports psychology professional, he’s asked me for specific how to’s for better understanding and implementing the mental game for himself and ways to incorporate aspects of it with his customers.
Both of us assisting each other has been enjoyable, rewarding and productive.
If you wish to talk you c an reach me at: cell 1.402.490.9293 email
Much success!
Jim Meier
The Championship Thinkng Coach
Hey Jim, glad to hear that you appreciated the content! Jamie is a great Coach as well and we’re very excited to hear that you’re having such success with GOLFTEC. Keep up the great work!