Successfully negotiating plugged bunker shots can seem all but impossible. These tips can help
Springtime for many means warming temps, nourishing rains, vegetation greening up everywhere and … plugged bunker shots.
Oh, yes, there’s nothing quite like that gut-wrenching feeling of when you walk up to a greenside bunker and realize your approach has buried in what looks like FEET of sand. It can cause even the best of us to curse the golf gods for an injustice we *surely* don’t deserve.
Before you instinctively accept a shot lost (or two) from this moment forward, though, GOLFTEC’s Brad Skupaka is back with some short game tips on how to escape those dreaded plugged bunker shots for a fighting chance to save par.
So take a look at the short video in which he illustrates some simple, but key, changes to your setup and shot execution that can significantly help your ball get out and safely on the putting surface.
The first (and perhaps most important) setup change?
Eliminate the effect of bounce on your wedge that, with bunker shots where the ball is in a good lie, is a key ingredient to hitting successful shots. Watch below for the rest …
VIDEO: Guidelines for plugged bunker shots
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